Everything About Psilocybin Mushroom Strains
Everything About Psilocybin Mushroom Strains
Magic mushrooms—also known as psychedelic mushrooms or psilocybin-containing mushrooms—are stepping out of the counterculture and into the mainstream. With research continuing to illuminate psilocybin’s potential as a pharmaceutical, and more cities and states decriminalizing its use, there is no better time to learn about these fascinating fungi.
Amanita Everything About Psilocybin Mushroom Strains are recognizable by their distinctive, convex to flat-shaped caps and wavy margins. They are often brightly colored and can be found in many environments, including forest floors and lawns. Amanitas are also renowned for their hallucinogenic effects, which are typically triggered by psilocybin and psilocin compounds.
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The Amanita mushroom genus contains over 1,000 species of mushrooms, making it one of the most diverse groups in the mycological kingdom. Its diversity is also reflected in the different ways each strain contains and metabolizes psilocybin. Some species of amanitas contain more psilocybin than others, making them more potent.
Other factors can influence a strain’s psilocybin content as well. For instance, some amanita mushrooms bruise an interesting bluish color when touched, which is known as “bluing.” This phenomenon occurs because psilocybin breaks down into other molecules with exposure to air and sunlight.
Amanitas with bluing are more likely to contain psilocybin than other amanitas. This is because bluing is an indicator that the mushrooms contain a high level of psilocybin and other chemicals. Other indicators of psilocybin content include a strain’s size, color, and spore print. Some amanitas are also more potent than others, which is why it is important to carefully choose a strain when buying psilocybin mushrooms online.